Spotify Tracks Model

This series of articles will explore how the Spotify Web API was used to automatically retrieve data, with a focus on this topic.

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This project explores a dataset from Spotify, focusing on clustering analysis using the K-means method and examining the possibility of dimensionality reduction through Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The dataset, sourced from Kaggle, includes various audio features of tracks that will be analyzed to identify patterns and insights.

Click this link to directly access the report: Spotify Tracks Model

Directory Structure

Column Descriptions

How to Use This Data

  1. Load the Data: Use the provided SpotifyFeatures.csv file in your analysis. ```r data <- read.csv(“SpotifyFeatures.csv”)
  2. Data Inspection: Examine the structure and summary of the data to understand its content and check for missing values. str(data) summary(data) anyNA(data)
  3. Data Preparation: Convert columns to appropriate data types and handle any preprocessing data1 <- data %>% mutate( genre = as.character(genre), artist_name = as.character(artist_name), track_name = as.character(track_name), track_id = as.character(track_id), popularity = as.numeric(popularity), acousticness = as.numeric(acousticness), danceability = as.numeric(danceability), duration_ms = as.numeric(duration_ms), energy = as.numeric(energy), instrumentalness = as.numeric(instrumentalness), key = as.factor(key), liveness = as.numeric(liveness), loudness = as.numeric(loudness), mode = as.factor(mode), speechiness = as.numeric(speechiness), tempo = as.numeric(tempo), time_signature = as.factor(time_signature), valence = as.numeric(valence))

Exploring the Data

Subsetting Data: Remove non-numeric columns if focusing on numeric features for clustering. data2 <- data1 %>% select(-c(genre, artist_name, track_name, track_id, key, mode, time_signature))

Summary Statistics: Analyze basic statistics to understand the distribution of features.


Analyzing Trends

Clustering Potential: Assess the potential of features for clustering by examining their distributions.

Example: Distribution plot ggplot(data2, aes(x = acousticness, fill = mode)) + geom_histogram()

Principal Component Analysis (PCA): Use PCA to identify principal components and reduce dimensionality.

data_scale <- scale(data2) pca_result <- prcomp(data_scale) summary(pca_result)


Correlation Matrix: Visualize correlations between features to understand relationships.

ggcorr(data2, label = TRUE)

PCA Biplot: Plot PCA results to visualize data in reduced dimensions.



Clustering Results: Save and review clustering results.

write.csv(clustering_results, “results/clustering_results.csv”) PCA Results: Save PCA results for further analysis. write.csv(pca_result$x, “results/pca_results.csv”)

Dataset Source

The dataset used in this project can be found at the following link: Ultimate Spotify Tracks DB

Report for this project can be found at the following link: Spotify Tracks Model