Introduction for Classification

A Beginner's Guide to Classification in Machine Learning

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ML Zoomcamp 2024: Introduction for Classification

Part 1

Churn Prediction Project

Project Overview

In this project, we focus on predicting customer churn for a telecommunications company that has a varied customer base. While some customers are satisfied with the services they receive, others are considering terminating their contracts and switching to a different service provider.


Our goal is to identify customers who are likely to churn (i.e., stop using the service). We will assign each customer a score between 0 and 1 that indicates their likelihood of leaving. This score will help us target at-risk customers with promotional emails and discounts to encourage retention.


We will approach this problem using Binary Classification through Machine Learning. The mathematical representation of a single observation is defined as:

[ g(x_i) \approx y_i ]

In this scenario, our target variable ( y_i ) indicates whether customer ( x_i ) has left the company. The feature vector ( x_i ) consists of various attributes describing the customer. The output of our model, ( y_i ), is a value between {0, 1}, representing the likelihood that a specific customer will churn. A score of 1 signifies that the customer has left the company (positive example), while a score of 0 indicates that the customer has not left (negative example). Thus, a score of 1 means that the effect we want to predict is present, while a score of 0 means it is absent.

Data Collection

To achieve our goal, we will analyze customer data from the previous month. For each customer, we will label those who actually left with a target label of 1 and those who remained with a label of 0. All target labels will collectively form the variable ‘y.’ The features related to the customers—including demographics, geographical location, payment amounts, services used, and contract types—will form the variable ‘X.’

Our main objective is to gather and analyze information to understand the factors that lead to customer churn. To build our model, we will use historical data from the dataset available on Kaggle titled “Telco Customer Churn – Focused Customer Retention Programs.” The specific column we aim to predict is the ‘Churn’ column.

Part 2

Data Preparation

This section covers the following topics:

Downloading the Data

We begin by importing the necessary packages and downloading our CSV file using the wget command. In Jupyter Notebook, the ! symbol allows us to execute shell commands, while $ is used to reference data within those commands.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data_url = "https://..."
!wget $data_url -O data-week-3.csv

Reading the Data Upon reading the data, we find that it consists of 21 columns. The presence of ellipses (…) in the header indicates that not all columns are visible, making it challenging to obtain a complete overview.

df = pd.read_csv('data-week-3.csv')

To display all columns, we can transpose the DataFrame, converting rows into columns and vice versa.


Standardizing Column Names and Values We observe inconsistencies in the data. To address this, we will standardize the column names and values similarly to our previous projects.

df.columns = df.columns.str.lower().str.replace(' ', '_')

categorical_columns = list(df.dtypes[df.dtypes == 'object'].index)

for c in categorical_columns:
    df[c] = df[c].str.lower().str.replace(' ', '_')


Verifying Column Data Integrity Now that all column names are uniform, we check the data types of the columns.


Notably, the seniorcitizen column is represented as integers (0 or 1), while totalcharges is classified as an object but should be numeric.


To convert the totalcharges column to numeric, we must handle non-numeric entries.

tc = pd.to_numeric(df.totalcharges, errors='coerce')

This conversion will replace unparseable strings with NaN. We can then check for missing values.

df[tc.isnull()][['customerid', 'totalcharges']]

We can fill these missing values with 0, although this approach may not always be ideal.

df.totalcharges = pd.to_numeric(df.totalcharges, errors='coerce')
df.totalcharges = df.totalcharges.fillna(0)

Preparing the Churn Variable Finally, we examine the churn variable, which consists of values “yes” and “no.” For machine learning classification tasks, we need to convert these values into numerical format, using 1 for “yes” and 0 for “no.”


We can achieve this transformation as follows:

df.churn = (df.churn == 'yes').astype(int)

After applying this transformation, the churn column is now numerically represented.

Part 3

Setting Up the Validation Framework

In this guide, we will set up a validation framework for machine learning using Scikit-Learn. The first step involves splitting your dataset into training, validation, and test sets using the train_test_split function from the sklearn.model_selection package.

Importing the Function

Start by importing the necessary function:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# To view the documentation

Data Splitting The train_test_split function divides the dataframe into two parts: 80% for the training set and 20% for the test set. By setting random_state=1, we ensure that our results are reproducible.

df_full_train, df_test = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)
len(df_full_train), len(df_test)

# Output: (5634, 1409)

Next, to create three sets—training, validation, and test—we perform a second split on the training data. This time, we will allocate 60% for training and 20% for validation. Since we are now dealing with 80% of the original data, we calculate the validation set size as 20% of 80%, which equals 25%. Thus, we will use test_size=0.25.

df_train, df_val = train_test_split(df_full_train, test_size=0.25, random_state=1)
len(df_train), len(df_val)

# Output: (4225, 1409)

Now, both the validation set and the test set are of the same size.

len(df_train), len(df_val), len(df_test)

# Output: (4225, 1409, 1409)

Resetting Indices After splitting, the indices of the records will be shuffled. To reset the indices and ensure they are continuous, use the reset_index function with the drop=True parameter:

df_full_train = df_full_train.reset_index(drop=True)
df_train = df_train.reset_index(drop=True)
df_val = df_val.reset_index(drop=True)
df_test = df_test.reset_index(drop=True)

Extracting the Target Variable The next step is to extract our target variable, ‘y’ (churn), from each dataset:

y_full_train = df_full_train.churn.values
y_train = df_train.churn.values
y_val = df_val.churn.values
y_test = df_test.churn.values

To prevent the accidental use of the “churn” variable during model building, we should remove it from all four datasets. This can be done as follows:

del df_full_train['churn']
del df_train['churn']
del df_val['churn']
del df_test['churn']

After completing these steps, the “churn” variable will be removed, allowing you to proceed with model building without the risk of unintended usage.

Part 4

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

In this section, we will cover several key topics related to Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):

1. Checking Missing Values

To determine if there are any missing values in the dataset df_full_train, we can use the following code snippet:



customerid          0
gender              0
seniorcitizen       0
partner             0
dependents          0
tenure              0
phoneservice        0
multiplelines       0
internetservice     0
onlinesecurity      0
onlinebackup        0
deviceprotection    0
techsupport         0
streamingtv         0
streamingmovies     0
contract            0
paperlessbilling    0
paymentmethod       0
monthlycharges      0
totalcharges        0
churn               0
dtype: int64

The output indicates that there are no missing values in the dataset.

  1. Analyzing the Target Variable (Churn) To analyze the target variable churn, we can view its distribution using:


0 4113 1 1521 Name: churn, dtype: int64

This shows that out of 5634 customers, 1521 are classified as churning (dissatisfied), while 4113 are not churning (satisfied).

To calculate the churn rate, we can normalize the value counts:



0    0.730032
1    0.269968
Name: churn, dtype: float64

The churn rate is approximately 27%. We can also compute the global churn rate using the mean function:

global_churn_rate = df_full_train.churn.mean()
round(global_churn_rate, 2)



This value matches the churn rate calculated earlier, as the mean of binary values directly corresponds to the proportion of ones in the dataset.

  1. Examining Numerical and Categorical Variables To identify numerical and categorical variables in the dataset, we can use the dtypes function:
    numerical_vars = df.select_dtypes(include=['int64', 'float64'])
    categorical_vars = df.select_dtypes(include=['object'])


print("Numerical Variables:")

print("\nCategorical Variables:")

DataFrame Structure:



customerid           object
gender               object
seniorcitizen         int64
partner              object
dependents           object
tenure                int64
phoneservice         object
multiplelines        object
internetservice      object
onlinesecurity       object
onlinebackup         object
deviceprotection     object
techsupport          object
streamingtv         object
streamingmovies      object
contract             object
paperlessbilling     object
paymentmethod        object
monthlycharges      float64
totalcharges        float64
churn                 int64
dtype: object

From the analysis, we identify three numerical variables: tenure, monthlycharges, and totalcharges. We will define our numerical and categorical columns accordingly.

Numerical Variables:

numerical = ['tenure', 'monthlycharges', 'totalcharges']

Categorical Variables:

categorical = ['gender', 'seniorcitizen', 'partner', 'dependents',
               'phoneservice', 'multiplelines', 'internetservice',
               'onlinesecurity', 'onlinebackup', 'deviceprotection',
               'techsupport', 'streamingtv', 'streamingmovies',
               'contract', 'paperlessbilling', 'paymentmethod']

To find the number of unique values for each categorical variable, we use the nunique() function:



gender              2
seniorcitizen       2
partner             2
dependents          2
phoneservice        2
multiplelines       3
internetservice     3
onlinesecurity      3
onlinebackup        3
deviceprotection    3
techsupport         3
streamingtv         3
streamingmovies     3
contract            3
paperlessbilling     2
paymentmethod       4
dtype: int64

This output provides insight into the diversity of the categorical variables in the dataset.

Part 5

Feature Importance Analysis: Churn Rate and Risk Ratio

Feature importance analysis is a crucial part of exploratory data analysis (EDA), focusing on identifying the features that influence our target variable—customer churn.

Churn Rate

We previously assessed the global churn rate. Now, we will delve into churn rates among specific demographics, such as gender.

Female Customer Subset

To analyze female customers, we filter the dataset:

female_customers = df_full_train[df_full_train.gender == 'female']

The churn rates for females and males can be compared to the global churn rate. The global churn rate is approximately 27%, with female customers exhibiting a churn rate of 27.7%, while male customers have a rate of 26.3%. This indicates a slightly higher likelihood of churn among females.

Churn Rate Calculation

global_churn = df_full_train.churn.mean()  # Output: 0.269968
churn_female = df_full_train[df_full_train.gender == 'female'].churn.mean()  # Output: 0.276824
churn_male = df_full_train[df_full_train.gender == 'male'].churn.mean()  # Output: 0.263213

Churn Rate by Partnership Status Next, we analyze churn rates based on whether customers have partners:

# Output:
# no     2932
# yes    2702

Customers with partners exhibit a significantly lower churn rate of 20.5% compared to the global rate, whereas those without partners show a churn rate of 33%.

Churn Rates Calculation by Partnership

churn_partner = df_full_train[df_full_train.partner == 'yes'].churn.mean()  # Output: 0.205033
churn_no_partner = df_full_train[df_full_train.partner == 'no'].churn.mean()  # Output: 0.329809

This suggests that the partnership variable is likely more influential for predicting churn than gender.

Risk Ratio In machine learning and classification contexts, the risk ratio quantifies the likelihood of an event occurring in one group compared to another. It is particularly useful in customer churn analysis.

Definition and Interpretation Risk Ratio: The ratio of the probability of an event in one group to that in another. A risk ratio greater than 1 indicates higher likelihood, while a ratio less than 1 indicates lower likelihood. Application: Risk ratios can be employed to assess the impact of different features on churn. Risk Ratio Calculation for Partnership Status Calculating risk ratios for customers with and without partners yields:

risk_no_partner = churn_no_partner / global_churn  # Output: 1.221
risk_partner = churn_partner / global_churn  # Output: 0.759

This reveals that customers without partners have a 22% higher churn risk, while those with partners have a 24% lower risk compared to the global churn rate.

Average Churn Rate Analysis by Group To further investigate, we can calculate the average churn rates grouped by gender and other categorical variables:

AVG(churn) - global_churn AS diff,
AVG(churn) / global_churn AS risk

Results Overview The average churn rates grouped by gender reveal:

df_group = df_full_train.groupby('gender').churn.agg(['mean', 'count'])
df_group['diff'] = df_group['mean'] - global_churn
df_group['risk'] = df_group['mean'] / global_churn

Gender Group Results Gender Mean Count Diff Risk Female 0.276824 2796 0.006856 1.025396 Male 0.263214 2838 -0.006755 0.974980 This table demonstrates how churn rates vary across gender groups. To broaden this analysis, we can repeat the calculations for all categorical columns, providing a more comprehensive understanding of churn dynamics across different customer segments.

for c in categorical:
    df_group = df_full_train.groupby(c).churn.agg(['mean', 'count'])
    df_group['diff'] = df_group['mean'] - global_churn
    df_group['risk'] = df_group['mean'] / global_churn

Summary of Key Findings Gender Impact: Female customers show a slightly higher churn rate than males. Partnership Status: Customers with partners have significantly lower churn rates. Risk Ratios: Analysis indicates that partnership status plays a more critical role in predicting churn compared to gender. This structured approach to analyzing churn rates and risk ratios provides valuable insights for developing strategies aimed at reducing customer churn effectively.

Part 6

Feature Importance: Mutual Information

The risk ratio offers valuable insights into the significance of categorical variables, especially in relation to customer churn. For instance, when analyzing the “contract” variable, which includes options like “month-to-month,” “one_year,” and “two_years,” it becomes evident that customers with a “month-to-month” contract have a higher likelihood of churning compared to those with a “two_years” contract. This indicates that the “contract” variable may be a critical factor in predicting churn. However, to fully grasp its relative importance compared to other variables, we need an effective method of comparison.

Mutual Information is a concept from information theory that helps in this regard. It measures how much information we can gain about one variable by knowing the value of another. A higher mutual information score signifies a greater understanding of churn based on the observation of another variable. This allows us to evaluate the significance of categorical variables and their respective values in predicting churn, facilitating comparisons among them.

To compute the mutual information between the churn variable and other categorical variables, we can use the mutual_info_score function from the sklearn.metrics library. Here are some examples:

from sklearn.metrics import mutual_info_score

# Mutual information between churn and contract
mutual_info_score(df_full_train.churn, df_full_train.contract)
# Output: 0.0983203874041556

# Mutual information between churn and gender
mutual_info_score(df_full_train.churn, df_full_train.gender)
# Output: 0.0001174846211139946

# Mutual information between churn and partner
mutual_info_score(df_full_train.churn, df_full_train.partner)
# Output: 0.009967689095399745

The intuition behind these scores is to understand how much we learn about churn from each variable. For example, the low mutual information score for gender suggests that it is not particularly informative regarding churn.

To evaluate the relative importance of all features, we can apply the mutual information metric across all categorical variables. Since mutual_info_score requires two arguments, we define a helper function, mutual_info_churn_score, to compute the scores column-wise:

def mutual_info_churn_score(series):
    return mutual_info_score(series, df_full_train.churn)

mi = df_full_train[categorical].apply(mutual_info_churn_score)

The output is as follows:

gender              0.000117
seniorcitizen       0.009410
partner             0.009968
dependents          0.012346
phoneservice        0.000229
multiplelines       0.000857
internetservice     0.055868
onlinesecurity      0.063085
onlinebackup        0.046923
deviceprotection    0.043453
techsupport         0.061032
streamingtv         0.031853
streamingmovies     0.031581
contract            0.098320
paperlessbilling    0.017589
paymentmethod       0.043210
dtype: float64

To prioritize the variables based on their mutual information scores, we can sort them in descending order:


The sorted output will be:

contract            0.098320
onlinesecurity      0.063085
techsupport         0.061032
internetservice     0.055868
onlinebackup        0.046923
deviceprotection    0.043453
paymentmethod       0.043210
streamingtv         0.031853
streamingmovies     0.031581
paperlessbilling    0.017589
dependents          0.012346
partner             0.009968
seniorcitizen       0.009410
multiplelines       0.000857
phoneservice        0.000229
gender              0.000117
dtype: float64

Part 7

Feature Importance Analysis

1. Feature Importance: Mutual Information

Mutual information quantifies the amount of information gained about one variable when observing another. This is particularly useful for analyzing categorical variables, such as “contract” types—where customers with a “month-to-month” contract are more likely to churn than those with a “two_years” contract. While this indicates that the “contract” variable is important for predicting churn, mutual information allows for comparison across multiple variables.


Using mutual_info_score from sklearn, we can compute the mutual information between the target variable (churn) and each categorical variable.

from sklearn.metrics import mutual_info_score

# Calculate mutual information for categorical variables
mi_contract = mutual_info_score(df_full_train.churn, df_full_train.contract)
mi_gender = mutual_info_score(df_full_train.churn, df_full_train.gender)
mi_partner = mutual_info_score(df_full_train.churn, df_full_train.partner)

Example Outputs Contract: 0.09832 Gender: 0.000117 Partner: 0.009968 Summary of Mutual Information Scores

def mutual_info_churn_score(series):
    return mutual_info_score(series, df_full_train.churn)

mi = df_full_train[categorical].apply(mutual_info_churn_score)
mi_sorted = mi.sort_values(ascending=False)

Sorted Output Contract: 0.098320 Online Security: 0.063085 Tech Support: 0.061032 Internet Service: 0.055868 Online Backup: 0.046923

  1. Feature Importance: Correlation For numerical variables, Pearson’s correlation coefficient measures the linear relationship between two variables, with values ranging from -1 to 1. The absolute value of the correlation coefficient indicates the strength of the relationship:

Low correlation: 0.0<∣𝑟∣<0.2 0.0<∣r∣<0.2 Moderate correlation: 0.2<∣𝑟∣<0.5 0.2<∣r∣<0.5 Strong correlation: 0.6<∣𝑟∣<1.0 0.6<∣r∣<1.0 Implementation To calculate the correlation between numerical variables and churn, we can use the corrwith function:

correlation = df_full_train[numerical].corrwith(df_full_train.churn)

Example Outputs

tenure -0.351885 monthlycharges 0.196805 totalcharges -0.196353

Absolute Values of Correlation Coefficients To focus on overall impact, we can sort the absolute values:

abs_correlation = df_full_train[numerical].corrwith(df_full_train.churn).abs()

Output Tenure: 0.351885 Monthly Charges: 0.196805 Total Charges: 0.196353 Churn Analysis Based on Tenure Examining churn rates based on tenure provides further insights:

df_full_train[df_full_train.tenure <= 2].churn.mean()  # Output: ~0.595
df_full_train[df_full_train.tenure > 2].churn.mean()   # Output: ~0.224
df_full_train[(df_full_train.tenure > 2) & (df_full_train.tenure <= 12)].churn.mean()  # Output: ~0.399
df_full_train[df_full_train.tenure > 12].churn.mean()  # Output: ~0.176

Churn Analysis Based on Monthly Charges Similarly, we analyze churn rates concerning monthly charges:

df_full_train[df_full_train.monthlycharges <= 20].churn.mean()  # Output: ~0.088
df_full_train[(df_full_train.monthlycharges > 20) & (df_full_train.monthlycharges <= 50)].churn.mean()  # Output: ~0.183
df_full_train[df_full_train.monthlycharges > 50].churn.mean()  # Output: ~0.325

Part 8

One-Hot Encoding in Machine Learning

One-hot encoding is a crucial technique in machine learning used to convert categorical data (non-numeric) into a numeric format suitable for various algorithms, especially classification and regression models. This method is essential for algorithms that require numerical input, and Scikit-Learn, a popular Python library, offers effective tools for this task.

Problem Statement

Categorical data, such as colors (“red,” “green,” “blue”), cannot be directly utilized by most machine learning algorithms due to their requirement for numerical input. One-hot encoding addresses this limitation by transforming categorical data into binary vectors.

How It Works

For each categorical feature, one-hot encoding generates a new binary (0 or 1) feature for each category within that feature. For instance, if we have a “color” feature, it would create three binary features: “IsRed,” “IsGreen,” and “IsBlue.” An observation belonging to the “red” category would result in “IsRed” being set to 1, while the others would be 0.

Implementing One-Hot Encoding with Scikit-Learn

To demonstrate how to encode categorical features using Scikit-Learn, we can use the DictVectorizer class:

  1. Transforming Data to Dictionary Format: We convert the DataFrame into a list of dictionaries:
   dicts = df_train[['gender', 'contract']].iloc[:100].to_dict(orient='records')

Creating a DictVectorizer Instance:

from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
dv = DictVectorizer()

Fitting the DictVectorizer:

Transforming the Dictionaries: By default, DictVectorizer creates a sparse matrix. To obtain a dense array, set sparse=False:

dv = DictVectorizer(sparse=False)
X_train = dv.transform(dicts)

Feature Names: To retrieve the feature names:


Transforming Validation Data: For validation data, reuse the same DictVectorizer instance to maintain consistency:

val_dicts = df_val[categorical + numerical].to_dict(orient='records')
X_val = dv.transform(val_dicts)

Part 9

Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is primarily applied to classification problems, which can be divided into binary and multi-class categories. In binary classification, the target variable ( y ) belongs to one of two classes: 0 or 1. These classes are often referred to as “negative” and “positive” and represent mutually exclusive outcomes. For instance, in churn prediction, the classes could be “no churn” and “churn.” Similarly, in email classification, the classes could be “no spam” and “spam.”

In this context, the function ( g(x_i) ) outputs a value between 0 and 1, which can be interpreted as the probability of ( x_i ) belonging to the positive class.

Mathematical Formulation

The formulas for linear regression and logistic regression are as follows:

The sigmoid function is defined as: [ \text{sigmoid}(z) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-z)} ] This function maps any real number ( z ) to a value between 0 and 1, making it suitable for modeling probabilities in logistic regression.

Implementation of Sigmoid Function

To demonstrate the sigmoid function, we can create an array of 51 values between -7 and 7 using np.linspace(-7, 7, 51), which serves as our ( z ):

import numpy as np

def sigmoid(z):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))

z = np.linspace(-7, 7, 51)

When we apply the sigmoid function to our array z, we get:


This results in a new array that transforms the values of 𝑧 into probabilities.

Visualizing the Sigmoid Function To visualize the sigmoid function, we can plot the values of 𝑧 against their corresponding sigmoid outputs:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(z, sigmoid(z))

Comparing Linear and Logistic Regression At the end of this article, both implementations will be presented for comparison. The main distinction between linear and logistic regression lies in the application of the sigmoid function to the output of linear regression, converting it into a probability value between 0 and 1.

Linear Regression Implementation

def linear_regression(x_i):
    result = w_0
    for j in range(len(w)):
        result += x_i[j] * w[j]
    return result

Logistic Regression Implementation

def logistic_regression(x_i):
    score = w_0
    for j in range(len(w)):
        score += x_i[j] * w[j]
    result = sigmoid(score)
    return result

Both linear regression and logistic regression are considered linear models, as the dot product in linear algebra acts as a linear operator. These models are efficient to use and quick to train.

Part 10

Training Logistic Regression with Scikit-Learn


Training a logistic regression model using Scikit-Learn involves a process similar to that of training a linear regression model. This document outlines the steps involved in training the model, applying it to validation data, and calculating its accuracy.

Model Training

To begin, you need to import the LogisticRegression class and initialize your model:

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

model = LogisticRegression(), y_train)

Model Coefficients After training the model, you can access the weights (coefficients) using the coef_ attribute:


This returns a 2D array, but you can extract the weight vector by indexing the first row:


Model Intercept You can also access the bias term (intercept) using the intercept_ attribute:


Model Predictions Now that the model is trained, you can test it on the training data:


The model outputs binary predictions (0 or 1), indicating whether an instance represents “not churn” or “churn.”

Probability Predictions For soft predictions, use the predict_proba method, which provides probabilities for both classes:


This output contains two columns: the first for the probability of the negative class (0) and the second for the positive class (1). For churn prediction, focus on the second column, which indicates the probability of churn. You can select a threshold to classify individuals as churned or not:

y_pred = model.predict_proba(X_val)[:, 1]
churn_decision = y_pred > 0.5

Applying the Model to Validation Data Using the model, you can apply it to the validation dataset and identify potential churn customers:


This selection highlights individuals predicted to churn based on the chosen threshold.

Calculate Accuracy Finally, to evaluate the model’s performance, calculate its accuracy:

Convert predicted probabilities to binary predictions based on the threshold:


Compare the predicted values with actual values (y_val) to determine accuracy:

(y_val == churn_decision).mean()

Part 11

Model Interpretation and Coefficients in Logistic Regression

Understanding Model Coefficients

To interpret a logistic regression model, we need to examine the coefficients assigned to each feature. These coefficients indicate the weight of each feature’s contribution to the model’s prediction.

  1. Feature Extraction
    We extract feature names and their corresponding coefficients from the trained model.
   feature_names = dv.get_feature_names_out()
   coefficients = model.coef_[0].round(3)

Example Output:

Features: ['contract=month-to-month', 'contract=one_year', ..., 'totalcharges']
Coefficients: [0.475, -0.175, ..., 0.0]

Combining Features with Coefficients We can pair each feature with its coefficient using the zip function.

feature_coeff_pairs = list(zip(feature_names, coefficients))

Example Output:

[('contract=month-to-month', 0.475), ('contract=one_year', -0.175), ...]

Training a Smaller Model To simplify the model, we can select a subset of features. For instance, we might choose contract, tenure, and monthlycharges.

small_features = ['contract', 'tenure', 'monthlycharges']

Example of Data Subset:

| contract         | tenure | monthlycharges |
| two_year         | 72     | 115.50         |
| month-to-month   | 10     | 95.25          |
| ...              | ...    | ...            |

Transforming Data We transform our selected features into a format suitable for the model.

dicts_train_small = df_train[small_features].to_dict(orient='records')
dv_small = DictVectorizer(sparse=False)

Output Features:

['contract=month-to-month', 'contract=one_year', 'contract=two_year', 'monthlycharges', 'tenure']

Training the Smaller Model We train the logistic regression model using the smaller feature set.

X_train_small = dv_small.transform(dicts_train_small)
model_small = LogisticRegression(), y_train)

Example Coefficients:

{'contract=month-to-month': 0.97, 'contract=one_year': -0.025, ..., 'tenure': -0.036}

Scoring a Customer To assess a customer’s likelihood of churning, we calculate their score using the model’s coefficients.

Example Calculation: For a customer with a monthly contract, monthly charges of $50, and a tenure of 5 months, the score is calculated as follows:

score = -2.47 + (1 * 0.97) + (50 * 0.027) + (5 * -0.036)

Final Score Output:

Score: -0.33
Probability of Churning: sigmoid(-0.33) = 41.8%

Additional Examples:

For a customer with a score of approximately 0, indicating a 50% churn probability:

score = -2.47 + 0.97 + (60 * 0.027) + (1 * -0.036)
Probability: sigmoid(score) = 52.1%

For another customer:

score = -2.47 + (-0.949) + (30 * 0.027) + (24 * -0.036)
Probability: sigmoid(score) = 3%

Part 12

Customer Churn Prediction Using Logistic Regression

In this analysis, we aim to train a logistic regression model using the df_full_train dataset, which contains various customer attributes related to their subscription and service usage.

Dataset Overview

The dataset includes the following columns:

Preparing Data for Model Training

We start by converting the relevant columns into a dictionary format, which will be used to create the feature matrix for the model.

dicts_full_train = df_full_train[categorical + numerical].to_dict(orient='records')

Feature Matrix Creation Next, we utilize the DictVectorizer to transform our dictionary into a feature matrix X_full_train, while y_full_train contains the target variable values.

dv = DictVectorizer(sparse=False)
X_full_train = dv.fit_transform(dicts_full_train)
y_full_train = df_full_train.churn.values

Model Training We then initialize the logistic regression model and fit it to our training data.

model = LogisticRegression(), y_full_train)

Model Evaluation on Test Data For the test data, we repeat the same preprocessing steps and make predictions.

dicts_test = df_test[categorical + numerical].to_dict(orient='records')
X_test = dv.transform(dicts_test)
y_pred = model.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]

Accuracy Calculation To assess the model’s performance, we compute the accuracy based on our predictions.

churn_decision = (y_pred >= 0.5)
accuracy = (churn_decision == y_test).mean()

The model achieved an accuracy of approximately 81.5% on the test data, indicating a slight improvement over the validation dataset. Consistency in model performance across different datasets is crucial for assessing generalization.

Real-Time Prediction Deployment Imagine deploying the logistic regression model on a website. When a customer provides their information, it is sent as a dictionary to the server. The model computes the probability of churn, allowing real-time predictions to facilitate proactive customer engagement.

Sample Customer Analysis We can examine individual customer predictions. For example, consider the following customer:

customer = dicts_test[10]

Transforming this customer’s data to the feature matrix yields:

X_small = dv.transform([customer])

The model predicts a 40.6% probability of churn for this customer, leading us to assume they are not likely to churn.

Actual Value Comparison To verify:

actual_value = y_test[10]

The actual value confirms our prediction as correct (not churning).

Predicting a Likely Churner Testing another customer, we observe:

customer = dicts_test[-1]
X_small = dv.transform([customer])

The model indicates a 59.7% chance of churn, suggesting this customer is likely to leave.

Final Verification Checking the actual churn status:

actual_value = y_test[-1]