Marketing A/B Testing Analysis

The goal of this project is to evaluate how effective a marketing campaign is by examining user conversions and measuring the impact of ad exposure. Our analysis will focus on quantifying the role of advertisements in the overall success of the campaign

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This project focuses on analyzing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns through A/B testing. The aim is to evaluate whether exposure to advertisements influences user conversions and to quantify the impact of these ads on campaign success.

Click this link to directly access the report: AB Testing Marketing Campaign


Marketing companies often use A/B testing to compare different variations of marketing strategies. This project utilizes A/B testing data to determine the impact of ad exposure on user behavior. By analyzing this data, we aim to assess campaign success and attribute success to advertisement exposure.

Business Question

The primary goals of this analysis are:

  1. Assessing Campaign Success: Determine if the campaign was effective by analyzing the relationship between ad exposure and user conversions.
  2. Quantifying Success Attribution: Measure the extent to which ads contribute to the overall success of the campaign.

Project Structure

  1. Data Preparation
    • Prerequisites
    • Importing Libraries
    • Importing Data
    • Data Inspection
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis
    • Missing Values
  3. Data Wrangling
    • Exploring Categorical Variables
    • Bootstrap Analysis
      • Conversion Rate by Group
      • Conversion Rate All Distribution
    • Univariate Analysis
    • Bivariate Analysis
    • Statistical Testing
  4. Conclusion
  5. Dataset

Column Descriptions


  1. Data Preparation
    • Prerequisites: Ensure necessary libraries are installed.
    • Importing Libraries: Libraries like tidyverse, lubridate, plotly, and others are imported for data manipulation and visualization.
    • Importing Data: Load the dataset using read.csv.
    • Data Inspection: Inspect the structure and summary of the dataset.
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis
    • Missing Values: Check for and handle any missing values in the dataset.
  3. Data Wrangling
    • Exploring Categorical Variables: Analyze categorical variables for insights.
    • Bootstrap Analysis: Perform bootstrap analysis to estimate conversion rates.
      • Conversion Rate by Group: Analyze conversion rates by test group.
      • Conversion Rate All Distribution: Examine the overall distribution of conversion rates.
    • Univariate Analysis: Analyze individual variables.
    • Bivariate Analysis: Explore relationships between pairs of variables.
    • Statistical Testing: Conduct statistical tests to validate findings.
  4. Conclusion
    • Summarize the findings from the analysis and provide insights into the effectiveness of the marketing campaign.

Exploring the Data

The dataset consists of 588,101 observations across 7 variables. Initial inspection shows a balanced mix of converted (0) and not converted (1) users. There are no missing values in the dataset.

The analysis focuses on:


Visualizations will include:


Dataset Source

The dataset is sourced from Kaggle and can be accessed at Marketing A/B Testing Dataset The report for this project is available here: AB Testing Marketing Campaign